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Building Quality Control Services 12 Month Warranty

It takes long term industry experience and a keen eye to identify and provide defects rectification documentation for your clients. Recently we visited a home where our company was the third quality control inspection conducted. One by the builders own company and second which the owner chose. We were called by the owner as a third pair of eyes to conduct the 12 monthly maintenance inspection which in essence is a handover inspection prior to the end of the builders defects warranty period. This is to ensure the builder meets the QBCC Standards & Tolerances Guide for defects that existed at the time of handover or developed in the first 12 months of the homes life. It was immediately apparent that all the weepholes were fully blocked with render and partially concealed termite barriers which did not meet building requirements. In addition multiple other fundamental building defects were evident all of which were not identified in the previous two reports.

Coastal Home & Building Inspections Sunshine Coast extensive experience ensures your Handover Inspections give a accurate report of all aspects of your property.

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